Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Requiem for a Grand Lady

Eyes lined with Kohl,

Narrow slits with hooded brows thick,

Shone with a peculiar stance,

Sagacious eyes that judged one so quick.

Lips crimson with betel juice,

Turned at corners with smile of age,

Oft dripping with love divine

Twirling up as a sage.

Ever caring and loving her large brood,

Equally shared with profound care,

Never bared her soul to her brood,

Through thick and thin she gave her care.

Now she rests with nothing amiss

Without a care in the world,

Her beatific smile so worn

She rests in eternal bliss.

*Written by my father- Sanjay Atrishi

**Dedicated to my Grandma...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Random Thoughts.2

It is easy to be what others want you to be.
It gets difficult when you try to be yourself...