Sunday, October 16, 2011


Like a mountain brook that joyously flows,
Like the wind that dances with the trees,
Like the sweet hums of the busy honey bees,
Like the flight of a bird to distant overseas.

Like the thumping heart and missing of a beat,
Like the touch of a loved one, the smile from a stranger
Like the gentleness of helping hand in times of need,
Love is all around us- in depths of far and realms of near.

So, care not for creed, and care not for color,
Care not for the green, care not for honor.
For when we leave the bodily abode, we become just as one as we have always been
For we are the children of One-the eternal supreme!

So let us join hands together and wipe our tears,
Let us realize our follies and erase all our fears.
Let us bring down walls of doubt and resentment.
Let us not hold on anymore, let us give LOVE a vent.
-Rahul Atrishi

*My poem is dedicated to everyone.


  1. :) This is so beautiful :)
    give LOVE a vent :))))
    I like it a lot
    Yet again :))))

  2. Thank you Janne. :-)
    Like always, you are the first one to comment! :-)))

    God bless you! A big hug!! <3
